Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Anti-Obama Book - what you should know about it

According to the folks at Editor & Publisher, the media isn't taking what the Obama swiftboaters have to say for granted this time around. In fact one of the AP's top political reporters, Nedra Pickler gets right to ripping the book, and it's author to shreds:

-- "The book is a compilation of all the innuendo and false rumors against Obama — that he was raised a Muslim, attended a radical, black church and secretly has a 'black rage' hidden beneath the surface. In fact, Obama is a Christian who attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago."

-- "Corsi suggests, without a shred of proof, that Obama may be using drugs today. Obama has acknowledged using marijuana and cocaine as a teenager but says he quit when he went to college and hasn't used drugs since."

-- "He claims Obama received extensive Islamic religious education as a boy in Indonesia, education that was only offered to the truly faithful. Actually, Obama is a Christian and as a boy he attended both Catholic school and Indonesian public schools where some basic study of the Koran was offered."

-- "He accuses Obama of wanting to weaken the military even though Obama's campaign calls for adding 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines."

-- "Corsi writes for World Net Daily, a conservative Web site whose lead headline Thursday was "Astonishing photo claims: Dead Bigfoot stored on ice."

-- "In a series of Web posts several years ago, Corsi said Pope John Paul II was senile and unconcerned about sexual molestation of boys, referred to Islam is "a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion" and suggested Kerry was secretly Jewish."

Paul Waldman from Media Matters took on Jerome Corsi on Larry King and exposed the right wing machine behind Corsi's book -- starting with Mary Matalin:

Yep, this book is yet another Matalin propoganda special. As Timothy Noah at Slate put it:

What the hell is Mary Matalin doing running a publishing imprint in the first place? She is a professional propagandist, a political operative who learned her craft at the feet not of Maxwell Perkins but of Lee Atwater. Truth is not what she's about; campaigns are, and for Matalin, The Obama Nation would appear to be just another campaign.
And that's not all folks! It's bad enough that Corsi writes for World Net Daily, he's also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist:
Among the follow-up efforts to Jerome R. Corsi’s “Unfit for Command,” which inspired the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacks on Senator John Kerry in 2004, is “Obama Nation.” But the conservative commentator’s book about Senator Barack Obama appears to have distracted him for another project he was planning in January: exposing what he calls the government’s lies about the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

A YouTube video making the rounds, especially among Obama supporters, mocks Mr. Corsi for a Jan. 29 interview on Alex Jone’s radio show, a forum for those who take a deeply skeptical view of government claims about the attacks. (Mr. Corsi also frequently talks about the “North American Union” and other threats from globalization during his appearances).

In related news:

Jerome Corsi, 'Obama Nation' Author, Set To Appear On White Supremacist Radio Show

So, on last night's Larry King Live, one of the things that Paul Waldman brought up as a way of demonstrating Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi's lack of credibility was his past embrace of bigotry and general scumbaggery, as documented by "a whole series of bigoted and hateful posts" that Corsi "put up on right-wing Web sites." None of which Corsi denied! But, Corsi defended himself by shooting back that Waldman had failed to mention "all my apologies for those statements."

Well, like just about everything else that dribbles out of Corsi's cakehole, you can take those apologies and discount them entirely, because this Sunday, he is set to make an appearance on the well-named "The Political Cesspool" - which, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, is "an overtly racist, anti-Semitic radio show hosted by self-avowed white nationalist James Edwards." In the past, the show has welcomed some marquee names in the hate movement, including "Christian Identity pastor Pete Peters, Holocaust denier Mark Weber and former Klan boss David Duke."

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